Mother’s Day Trends 

Mother’s Day Trends 

Mother’s Day is one of the most important holidays for the floral industry. In fact, it accounts for 24% of all spending in the holiday category at florists and 26% of all holiday transactions. As such, it’s important to look at Mother’s Day trends and determine what new aspects of the holiday are being highlighted by the floral industry and the public year by year. We’ve discussed some of the latest Mother’s Day trends below. 

Flowers Are Amongst the Most Popular Purchases

Last year, the most popular purchases for Mother’s Day were flowers, greeting cards, and special outings. In fact, flowers came in second at 68%, right after greeting cards, which reigned supreme at 72%. This is no surprise since flowers are practically synonymous with Mother’s Day, but it’s still a trend worth focusing on when providing consumers with a wide variety of options. 

It’s Not Just Limited to Flowers

According to surveys, Mother’s Day gifts aren’t just limited to flowers. In addition to cut flowers, gift-givers in the U.S. also purchased houseplants, outdoor bedding, and garden plants. While 80% of the Mother’s Day floral gifts were fresh flowers, there were also significant purchases in other categories. 

This trend may continue to grow because of the pandemic-related lockdowns and more time spent indoors. Additionally, plants are becoming increasingly popular in home décor 

Traditional Mother’s Day Flowers Are Still Beloved

When discussing Mother’s Day trends, it’s impossible not to talk about the traditional flowers associated with Mother’s Day. These tried-and-true classics include roses, carnations, peonies, and tulips. In the U.S., these are imported from all over the world, including renowned flower-growing countries like Colombia, Ecuador, and the Netherlands. 

Very Peri Is Sure to Impress

The Pantone Color of the Year always determines which flowers will be trending that year. For 2022, this is Very Peri, a rich periwinkle color. As with previous years, people are sure to inject this color into their floral purchases. In addition to the color’s namesake, other floral options for those who want to embrace Very Peri include lilacs, purple pansies, lavender, and irises.

Creative Containers Are in Style

It’s not all about the flowers anymore. People are also focusing on how the flowers are presented on Mother’s Day. Instead of opting for simple paper or plastic, people use creative containers. This doesn’t just include vases – it includes makeshift vases made from mason jars, glassware, and more. Even cups are being used to prop flowers up and display more of the stems. 

Don’t Overdo the Structure

Structural floral arrangements may have been everywhere a few years ago, but things have taken a turn. There’s been a shift to looser, more carefree arrangements for the past couple of years. In 2022, the “just picked and thrown together” look has been especially popular, and this is no different for Mother’s Day. Keep your arrangements loose and organic to let the flowers truly shine. 

Florists know how difficult it can be to keep these different trends in mind when preparing for Mother’s Day arrangements. One way to tackle everything is to place your orders beforehand and ensure you get your supply. Do this with Berkeley Florist Supply – we’ve been selling flowers and floral supplies since 1947 and carry over 100 varieties of flowers from all over the world. Reach out to us here to learn more.