Where to Buy DIY flowers in Miami 

Where to Buy DIY flowers in Miami 

It’s not a wedding if there are no flowers. If your wedding is just around the corner and you still don’t have your floral arrangements finalized, don’t panic! You can easily buy DIY Miami flowers without breaking the bank or spending too much time on the internet. 

Did you know Miami is a key player in today’s floriculture landscape? Miami has multiple wholesale flower shops and other options where you can find the best floral arrangements for your wedding to make it extra special. Let’s discuss these options below.

Order Online

This might sound absurd, but you can order DIY Miami flowers online. In this day and age, people are afraid of being scammed, and rightfully so! Many businesses don’t adhere to the same ethics and quality standard as you; thus, you must be very careful when choosing a floral vendor online. The following are some of the things you can focus on when choosing an online vendor:

  • User-friendly website: this might not be the first thing people suggest when choosing an online vendor, but websites play a significant role in determining credibility. If the vendor’s website is outdated and difficult to use, it clearly shows they don’t care about customer acquisition or satisfaction. 
  • Online reviews: social media has made doing your research extremely easy. Thus, do your homework before wasting hundreds of dollars on a floral vendor. Check if the business has an online presence on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, etc. See what their customers have to say and the images they have shared.
  • Social proof: check the vendor’s website and look for social proof, such as certifications, security seals, or accreditations. This helps build their authority and ensure that they won’t scam you.

Buy From Trader Joe’s

When buying groceries at your neighborhood Trader Joe’s, check out the plants and flower section and get amazed. You might not believe it, but Trader Joe’s has an incredible selection of seasonal bouquets and single varietals, perfect for giving as a gift or decorating your home. We recommend adding various colors, shapes, and sizes to make your bouquet unique and beautiful. You do have to make sure to get what you need as they sell out fast and your can not pre-order.

Check Out Local Wholesale Suppliers 

As stated above, there are many DIY Miami flowers suppliers available that can help you. Whether you are a florist, a designer, or an individual planning their wedding, local wholesale suppliers have you covered.

Reach out to Berkeley Florist Supply. It is the largest and go-to shop for wholesale flowers in Miami. The shop is located 15 minutes away from Miami International Airport. They have over 100+ different varieties of flowers available from all over the world. BFS also carries floral supplies, such as tools, silk flowers, floral foam, packaging materials, and more. 

The benefits of working with a wholesaler like Berkeley’s is that you can work with a flower specialist and they can help you secure what you need for your special project. Berkeley’s is open to all floral creatives no matter your level of expertise- we are here to help the flower industry grow. 

Whether it’s your wedding or your shop that you want to save, wholesale flowers in Miami are easily available. We hope this article helped!